Content topics

While the possibilities are endless, it’s always best to create content about what you know and what you are passionate about. We focus on local stories and empowering communities here at NewsBreak. Luckily, since you are a member of your local community, you are already somewhat of an expert on that topic (whether you realize it or not)! You can combine your proximity with your interests for stories. 


If you are into economics and business, you could write about your local economy, new laws affecting your community, businesses in your neighborhood, and trends in your town. If you enjoy outdoor activities, you can write about local activities in your area, you can preview a new hiking trail, interview a fellow adventurer in your city or document a new experience in your neighborhood. You get the idea! Have fun exploring how your passions, expertise and communities all collide. 

Content Insights

We’ve also created a Content Insights section on your portal if you need a little extra inspiration. There you’ll find trending topics in your area. The Content Insights section, now equipped with our new AI assistant, is an amazing tool for generating topic ideas. If you come across an intriguing subject, our editor can now assist you in getting started by creating an outline for you based on that topic.