FAQ: Account Labels

  • What if I don’t have another writing platform or am no longer active on other writing platforms?
    • If you're unable to validate your account through the portal because you haven't used other platforms to write long-form articles in the past, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at creators.support@newsbreak.com. We understand that some of you might have started your writing journey here so, our team will carefully review your account. However, please be aware that we cannot guarantee anyone a specific account label, and ultimately, the decision rests solely with NewsBreak.
  • Can I use another platform than those mentioned, like Twitter/X, Facebook etc?
    • We are looking for your previous history when it comes to writing long-form content, so most social media platforms would not qualify. Since we have another place for short-form posts in our app, we do not recognize this form of writing here. However, we understand that there might be other relatable platforms that we have missed, in this instance feel free to use “Other.” 
  • What if I have my own website or blog?
    • You can definitely verify your account using your blog or website. Just share the URL and provide a screenshot that proves your ownership of the site.
  • How do I become labeled a Contributor?
    • The "Contributor" label is awarded to individuals with extensive experience covering hard news for other reputable sources. Once you get approved for monetization, you will unlock the possibility of applying for a Contributor label.
      • Once approved for monetization, you will see a new section at the bottom of your profile settings page
      • Click the Submit button 
      • Provide at least 5 links to published news articles on established publisher outlets (Medium, Substack etc. do not qualify).
      • Optionally, add documentation proving your credibility, such as membership of a professional news association 
      • Click submit
  • Can I publish “hard news” as a Community Voice or a Writer?
    • Only self-verified accounts with the “Contributor” label are eligible to have their hard news content highlighted on our platform. This ensures that hard news is reliable and meets our high standards for accuracy and credibility. As a Community Voice or Writer, you are welcome to publish various types of content, but hard news requires a higher level of verification to maintain trust and transparency for our readers.