Values and Principles

Accuracy: Everything you publish should be accurate and true to the facts of the story. You are your own principal fact checker and you need to verify references, numbers, names, etc. All resources should also be trustworthy. Use your best judgement, but at the very least, the website or publications you are using as resources should have a terms of use/conditions, privacy policy and contact information. You also are not allowed to excessively edit your article once it is published in a way that changes the intention of the original post.

Authenticity: Authenticity is not just being honest and transparent, it’s also being accountable for all your content. Being honest with yourself and transparent to readers means we do not allow sponsored content, content marketing or any stories whose sole purpose is to gather signups and traffic rather than create value for the reader. Articles should be informative and educational, and all relevant information that might have influenced or affected your decisions should be disclosed.  This also means engaging authentically with your audience. 

Context and completeness: Every article should provide the necessary background for a reader to understand the story. Stories should be complete and comprehensive. When you quote, edit or use someone else's words, you should always aim to stay true to their meaning and the context of them. While we realize you can’t always include everything, each piece of content should leave the reader feeling satisfied and informed on the topic or issue.